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   Виталий Дружинин | Vitaly Drujinin

§ "Drujinin.LIVE" 🎦

🔠 Русский (RU)   🍀 "Soft-Modern"
🎶 Harmony   📜 Author's Poetry   🎼 Music
⅏ "Wave Stories" 🎁 All categories

§ From the Author. Introduction 🎦 Русский (RU)

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  • First-person video.
  • Dear Friends! In the "Drujinin.LIVE" section I share my project development plans and creative ideas, and also answer questions from readers and viewers.
  • Thank You all for your interest and participation!


🔺 "Drujinin.LIVE"


§ 2024, collection of videos
-= 2024 =-, collection of videos.  📤 Open album
 © Vitaly Drujinin.
01. "Before the Start"
02. "Artist's places"
03. "August opened his arms"


🔺 "Drujinin.LIVE"

No one has written with a pen for a long time,
And the emoticons
        from the cave walls have gone online.
And how joyful it is to hear your beloved voice! -
Happiness has a special design. ©

Harmony, poetry, podcasts, music, photos and videos.

🔶 "Drujinin.LIVE"

How joyful!

Vitaly Drujinin

⭐ Category:

§ "Drujinin.LIVE" 🎦


▲ Recommendations

Recommendations Recommendations


Vitaly Drujinin

 Thank You for visiting!

💌 i@Drujinin.Art
 Telegram: drujininw
 VKontakte: the group


🔠 Русский (RU)   ⌂ Home
🎶 Harmony   📜 Author's poetry   🎼 Music

⅏ "Wave Stories"   📱 Life   🎦 "LIVE"
📰 Guest interviews   📸 Photos   🎨 Images

§ "In Bright Rhythms"   § "Tune of Success"
§ "The Rainbow of the Daybreak"   § "Faith Designer"

§ "Summer Rains"   § "Dancing in the Clouds"
§ "Live Nature"   § "Over the Horizon"

§ "There Were Meetings"   § "The Sound Of Names"
§ "There is Love"   § "Golden Mountains"

§ "In a Distant Land"   § "With Colored Paints"
§ "Time To Be"   § "For You And Me"