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   Виталий Дружинин | Vitaly Drujinin

§ "Summer Rains" 📜

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All collections    "In Bright Rhythms"    "Tune Of Success"
"Rainbow of Dawn"    "Faith Designer"    "Summer Rains"
"Dancing in the Сlouds"    "Live Nature"    "За горизонтом"

§ Collection of poems 📙 Русский (RU)

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Translated by Neural Networks:
    📃 Text     🖨 PDF | 16 pages.
Translated by Tatyana Ivakhnina:
    📃 Text     🖨 PDF | 16 pages.


🔺 "Summer Rains"

-= In the City of Peace =-, the poem. -= Thank You =-, the poem.
01. "In the City of Peace"
Жили, любя...
02. "Thank You"
Глаза нежного цвета...

-= You and I =-, the poem. -= A Real Life Story =-, the poem.
03. "You and I"
Предпочитая молодеть...
04. "A Real Life Story"
Когда была рядом...


-= Summer Rains =-, the poem. -= Lene =-, the poem.
05. "Summer Rains"
Не ягоды, но кисти...
06. "Lene"
В земле красоты...

-= Lady Summer =-, the poem. -= The Days of Heat =-, the poem.
07. "Lady Summer"
Исполняя капризы...
08. "The Days of Heat"
Ленивым лучом...


-= Like the Sun =-, the poem. -= A Pair =-, the poem.
09. "Like the Sun"
Мелкий дождик...
10. "A Pair"
Ещё ближе...

-= Hurry to Fly Away =-, the poem. -= Sleepy Workdays =-, the poem.
11. "Hurry to Fly Away"
Здесь тебя ждут...
12. "Sleepy Workdays"
Где я не был...


-= A New Century =-, the poem. -= Missing You =-, the poem.
13. "A New Century"
Пусть не скоро...
14. "Missing You"
С новой силой...

-= All the Truth =-, the poem. -= The Letter-2 =-, the poem.
15. "All the Truth"
Так ходит любовь...
16. "The Letter-2"
Поклонник Ваш...


-= I Admire the Taste =-, the poem. -= This Day =-, the poem.
17. "I Admire the Taste"
Твой выбор...
18. "This Day"
Не уместна лесть...

-= A Water Drop =-, the poem. -= A Girl of Light =-, the poem.
19. "A Water Drop"
Видели судьбу...
20. "A Girl of Light"
Шалишь, озорница...


-= Confession =-, the poem. -= Simply Together =-, the poem.
21. "Confession"
Стала дорогой...
22. "Simply Together"
Обсудим это?..

-= Braver =-, the poem. -= Do not Leave =-, the poem.
23. "Braver"
Читай узоры...
24. "Do not Leave"
Уйдёшь, не прощаясь...


▲ Promotion

Летние дожди, очищающие душу. Тёплые, приятные, памятные. Спасибо им и Вам за то, что мы современники!

Гармонь, поэзия, подкасты, музыка, фото и видео.

🔶 "Summer Rains"

Спасибо, современники!

Vitaly Drujinin

⭐ Category:

§ Author's poetry 📜

▶ "In the City of Peace"

▲ Recommendations

Recommendations Recommendations
- -


Vitaly Drujinin

 Thank You for visiting!

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 Telegram: drujininw
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🎶 Harmony   📜 Author's poetry   🎼 Music

⅏ "Wave Stories"   📱 Life   🎦 "LIVE"
📰 Guest interviews   📸 Photos   🎨 Images

§ "In Bright Rhythms"   § "Tune of Success"
§ "The Rainbow of the Daybreak"   § "Faith Designer"

§ "Summer Rains"   § "Dancing in the Clouds"
§ "Live Nature"   § "Over the Horizon"

§ "There Were Meetings"   § "The Sound Of Names"
§ "There is Love"   § "Golden Mountains"

§ "In a Distant Land"   § "With Colored Paints"
§ "Time To Be"   § "For You And Me"